Make Arma Not War


The Hunt

by MasterOfApplience

The Hunt is a 1 vs all adversarial multiplayer game mode. The target being hunted has stolen vital intel and plans to upload it online. The hunters are a light recon team who are tasked with tracking down and killing the hunted before the upload is complete. Recommended to play with 3-10 friends.


The Hunt begins when the hunted target leaves the starting area. The hunters are released 1 minute later. Before the hunters are released, the hunted can complete optional objectives to get an early advantage. Once released, the hunters will be given some time to set up. After this the hunted's position will be tracked. This tracked position will be shown to the hunters 30 seconds later. This will happen throughout the game every two and a half minutes. Once the hunted is first tracked it will be given set of objectives. The first objective will be to obtain a radio to ask for the location of the upload station. The second objective will be to get to the upload station and upload the intel. The upload takes 2 minutes to complete. Once the upload has begun, the hunted's current position will be displayed every 30 seconds. The hunters must kill the target before the upload is complete.

The hunters are given 2 trucks, an MH-9, and an MQ4A Greyhawk drone.

The area is home to a number of civilians who look very similar to the hunted. The hunted must be stealthy and clever to win.

An ingame tutorial is included for the Hunted, Hunters, and the greyhawk operator. To access the tutorial just host your own solo game and select the different roles. The tutorial will play out in the chat.

I reccomend that the greyhawk operator hosts the game as the greyhawk tends to blow up when hitting tiny bumps if the person controlling it is not the host.

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