Make Arma Not War


Operation Cold Rising

by OksmanTV

Operation Cold Rising is an excellent Singleplayer experience in Arma 3. A Campaign to follow the story of the Altis Armed Forces in the battle of Altis. The missions involve scripted features and explosive action to enhance immersion and gameplay for everyone who dares play.


The Battle of Altis (2035)
We have already seen the extensive fighting over the main island of Altis during the Surive, Adapt & Win Campaigns. It tells the original tale of the gruesome fighting on the island. Operation Cold Rising brings you the Altis Armed Forces prespective of the war on Altis, it will show you a story to follow as you battle your way through the landscape of Altis.

Play though the episodes and discover the story laid down before you. Escape the original gameplay and jump into something that shakes Arma 3 into balance, features to enhance gameplay and tactics to inspire you as a leader to take the battle to the enemy.

Discover a new way to play Arma 3 and find that mixture of different playstyles, as you go through the episodes and savor every moment of this highly detailed experience in Arma 3 SP.

"I just suffered from a MASSIVE jaw-drop. So good. Mission feels very authentic and was a great fun to play. Background, combat, objectives, mission flow, attention to detail, everything is perfect! This scenario blows my mind and can be compared with BI ones anytime. Thank you very much. I enjoyed it a lot."

Episode 1 -
Episode 2 -


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