Make Arma Not War


Advanced map markers

by Drill

This addon provides some enhancements for the ArmA markers system for multiplayer: markers type/color are stored between inserting, adds new "marker" type in form of jugged lines, adds hotkeys for marker type and color change, ability to temporary show/hide marker channel and creator nick.


This addon provides some enhancements for the ArmA markers system for multiplayer:

  1. Markers type/color are stored between inserting - no need to set it every time new marker is placed.
  2. Added new "marker" type in form of jugged lines.
  3. Ability to assign hotkeys for marker type and color change, hotkey to send marker to particular channel (through userconfig).
  4. Ability to show/hide channel and creator of existing markers.

The addon mimics default ArmA behavior where it's possible.

  1. To add jugged-line marker the one should press Ctrl key and left-click by mouse somewhere on the map. That would start the process of placing the jugged-line marker. The next segments of the marker then could be placed by just left-clicks of mouse. The last segment could be removed by pressing Backspace key, the whole process could be canceled by pressing Escape key. Left/right cursor keys change the color of the marker, Up/down - its thickness. After all needed segments are placed, Enter key must be pressed to confirm the marker creation and sending it to the current chat channel.
  2. Hotkeys and marker types/colors could be configured through cheat-free userconfig
  3. Pressing Alt key on map temporary shows/hides channel of existing markers on the map and/or their creators' nicknames. The actual behavior could be changed through "Options" entry in notes list.

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