Make Arma Not War


by ACRE Team

ACRE is a full fledged communications suite for Arma, allowing realistic radio and voice communications through Teamspeak 3.


The original ACRE released in the Summer of 2010 set the bar for communications in the Arma series and allows all players to speak with each other directly or use in game configurable radios to communicate at longer distances providing unparalleled immersion in the Arma series. ACRE2 takes what ACRE1 pioneered to a whole new level. With increased performance and stability ACRE2 provides and even more immersive communications experience for the Arma user. Direct voice communications has had a complete overhaul and introduced new features such as occlusion from the environment, including vehicles and buildings, as well as multi-channel audio, allowing voices to be heard from multiple sources. A new virtual language feature in the Babel System allows mission makers to designate "languages" to certain players, making those that do not speak the same language indecipherable. This presents a multitude of gaming scenarios including player translators and enemy communications that are unable to be understood. The core feature of ACRE has always been radios. A new, extremely powerful and modular distributed data system allows for a whole manner of new features to be simulated in a robust and reliable way, and powers the most realistic real time radio simulation released in either the civilian or military market. The entire system is implemented in a way to maximize commonality with current Arma modding practices providing for a total community experience.
ACRE relies on CBA, the Community Base Addon system for its integration with Arma 3 and to speed the development, as well as provide support for interoperability with other community content. ACRE currently uses Teamspeak as its VON layer, a robust voice plugin system that allows for easy modification of voice communications.

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